Edo 2024: Barr Daniel Osa-Ogbegie Dumps APC.

Edo 2024: Barr Daniel Osa-Ogbegie Dumps APC.


….Says APC not ready to win election.


By Kingsley Ohens.

A very strong ally of Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu, Daniel A. Noah Osa-Ogbegie Esq., has resigned his membership from the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Daniel Osa-Ogbegie stated that the APC candidate, the running mate and the APC as party cannot give Edo good leadership or win the guber election.

Read: Edo 2024: APC battles Okpebholo’s ‘absconditus’ public perception

The resignation letter sent to the ward 2 chairman, Uhi, in Uhunmwode local government area of Edo State reads;

I, Daniel A. Naoh Osa-Ogbegie Esq., hereby tender my resignation from the APC today.

I am an Edo centered person who believes strongly in an Edo renaissance driven by Edo people under a sound correct leadership. The candidate of the APC in the forthcoming governorship election does not fill me with confidence as that leader that can lead the Edo renaissance I have always wanted.

With this dour governorship ticket of the APC, it was clear to me that Edo APC was not serious about the election or was not serious about presenting a viable governance to Edo people or both.

http://President Biden called Japan a “xenophobic” country during a campaign event Wednesday evening, putting the U.S. ally in a group with authoritarian rivals such as China and Russia and suggesting that a lack of immigration may be why the nations were “stalling so badly economically.” The remarks, widely reported Thursday in the Japanese press, came less than a month after Biden hosted Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida for a high-profile state visit to cement their alliance. The president also suggested that India, another nation that partners with the United States on security measures, was fearful of foreigners in his remarks. Read more: https://wapo.st/4bhLYlm

As an honourable man, instead of working against the candidate of the party as a member, it was better for me to resign my membership of the party, as I cannot in good conscience campaign for the ticket of Senator Monday Okpebholo and Representative Dennis Idahosa. My conscience could not allow me and our ancestors would not have forgiven me.

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