Edo Riverine communities affirms support for PDP’s Ighodalo, visits Dep. Gov candidate, Ogie

Edo Riverine communities affirms support for PDP’s Ighodalo, visits Dep. Gov candidate, Ogie

The People’s Democratic Party, PDP, in Edo State seems to be enjoying grassroots support better than other political parties participating in the September 21 governorship election in the State.

Over the weekend, A coalition of Riverine Communities has paid a solidarity visit to the Edo State People’s Democratic Party, PDP, Deputy Governorship candidate, Barr. Osarodion Ogie Esq, where they expressed their unflinching support and loyalty to the PDP’s candidate.

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Source at the meeting disclosed that the visit was to reaffirmed their support to PDP governorship candidate, Barr. Asue Ighodalo in the September 21 election.

The group used the opportunity to present to deputy governorship candidate a large portrait boldy hosting his image and that of Governorship candidate, Asue Ighodalo


Comrade Ipikumoh Godfrey Owei, National president of the group said they were at his residence to pledge their unwavering support and Loyalty to Barrister Osarodion Ogie and Promise To Continue To Work For the Success Of the Great Party The PDP.