Democracy Day: It’s symbolic sacrifices to entrench will of the people and governance — Provost College of Education Technical Mopa, Mrs Jagboro

Provost, College of Education Technical Mopa, Dr (Mrs) Victoria Olusola Jagboro

Democracy Day: It’s symbolic sacrifices to entrench will of the people and governance — Provost College of Education Technical Mopa, Mrs Jagboro

Democracy Day Celebration in Nigeria has been described as a symbolic recognition of sacrifices made to entrench the will of the people and governance.

Provost, College of Education Technical Mopa, Dr (Mrs) Victoria Olusola Jagboro stated this while speaking with newsmen in Lokoja in commendation of the twenty fifth anniversary of democracy in Lokoja.

Mrs Jagboro said Nigeria political scene has taken several dimensions with series of incursions by the military and expressed hope that current uninterrupted pattern will b e sustained.

She commend the efforts of citizens who have contributed to democratic rule, emphasising that very many paid the ultimate sacrifice for progress of the country.

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The Provost urged Kogites particularly students to be focused, optimistic and patriotic towards national agenda, noting that with time, Nigeria democracy will advance to an enviable heights.

She congratulated Governor Ahmed Usman Ododo, the members of his cabinet and Stakeholders on the education sector on the occasion and whished them a happy celebration.