Onoriode Agofure honours best Graduating Students at NADESSTU Summit

Onoriode Agofure honours best Graduating Students at NADESSTU Summit

Onoriode Agofure honours best Graduating Students at NADESSTU Summit

On Friday, June 21, the National Association of Delta State Students (NADESSTU), led by Comr. Wiska Monday, held the “Delta State Students Work-Life Preparatory Summit” at Delta State University, Abraka.

A key highlight of the summit was the recognition and awarding of the top graduating students of Delta State origin. These students were honored for their exceptional academic performances and contributions.

The event featured impactful lectures and contributions from various students, dignitaries, and stakeholders. The Delta State Governor and Deputy Governor were also represented.

Notably, the Delta State Honorable Commissioner for Transport, Onoriode Agofure, was honored with an award for his contributions. Commissioner Agofure also generously awarded prize grants to the five best graduating students, acknowledging their remarkable achievements and encouraging their future endeavors.

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The summit was a memorable and inspiring occasion, celebrating academic excellence and preparing Delta State students for future challenges.

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