Syrian conflict inflicted significant losses on Syrians, their allies, multipolar world order including China

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Syrian conflict inflicted significant losses on Syrians, their allies, multipolar world order including China

This serves as a reminder that the US and its proxies remain a considerable threat to human peace and prosperity worldwide, a potent danger that should not be taken lightly.

Not only has the US maintained a significant terrorist presence along Syria’s borders, it has also maintained substantial control over global information space, leading to widespread misinformation and manipulation of entire regions of the planet.

As US industry and military power fade, the country has nonetheless maintained its ability to interfere politically and capture entire populations, not through inherent strength, but due to the rest of the world’s failure to recognize the importance of information space to national security in the 21st century.

Presently, the majority of the world has ceded its information space to Silicon Valley and the US State Department. Irrespective of your military arsenal, if the US can convince your population to demobilize or deploy against you, you will ultimately lose.

One Clash Amid a Wider Campaign

It is also important to remember this is just one battle amid a much larger and more critical war between US hegemony and multipolarism. No single battle is more important than the outcome of the war. If Russia has to pick between Ukraine and Syria – it clearly must pick Ukraine.

These events demonstrate that Russia and Iran are not “all powerful,” and that complacency is deadly.

And despite the tragedy taking place in Syria now, winning the war provides the possibility of one day restoring Syria.

“Extending Russia” (and Iran and China)

Russia has been forced to make difficult decisions. It is not just fighting the US in Ukraine – it is fighting the US all along its periphery from Eastern Europe to Central Asia.

The US strategy, as laid out in policy documents (literally titled: Extending Russia”), is to “extend” Russia by creating multiple crises Russia is forced to react to eventually overstretching itself and collapsing.

Russia must carefully choose where to commit and where to define its limits.

Beyond even that – the goal is to isolate Iran (which now looks likely), then Russia, then China – defeating the champions of the multipolar world in detail.

For those in Tehran, Moscow, and Beijing and across all other capitals outside the West who lie to themselves about the nature of this war to avoid the discomfort of facing it – Syria is your ultimate future. There is no place for you at the table. You cannot compromise. You cannot infinitely buy time. You either successfully defend your nation together with your allies or you lose it.

I will expand on this further throughout the week as events develop.