Forum of Concerned Niger Delta Ex- Agitators Raises Alarm, Accuses Kingsley Kuku, Boy loaf and Shoot at Sight over Desperate Moves

Dr Dennis Otuaro

BY Ibrahim Lawal .

The Forum of Concerned Ex-Niger Delta agitators from Okosenegbe community in Delta state has accused Kingsley Kuku, Boy loaf and Shoot at Sight of inordinate collaboration to run down the already built good reputation of the Amnesty Administrator, Dr Dennis Otuaro.

The ex Niger Delta agitators in a statement issued on Saturday and jointly signed by Chief. General Otega Ayebi, (the last don) ,General Benjamin Ekeremor , and General Adowei Binaebi said the appointment of Dr Otuaro has dislodged the likes of Kingsley Kuku, Ebokabowei Victor- Ben alias (Boy loaf) and Bibopri Ajube alias (Shoot at Sight) who does not understand the mandate of the new Amnesty Administrator and leadership under Dr Dennis Otuaro .

The dissidents ex agitators and their collaborators has devised a failed attempt to return the hand of the clock back in their favor, as was obtainable under the infamous Kuku that guaranteed them unfettered access to ill gotten wealth of the Niger Delta people, cocooned into their private investment and using the amnesty outfits as a conduit pipe to milk both the indigenes and federal government.

While passing a vote of confidence any time any day on the leadership of the Amnesty Program , Dr Dennis Otuaro , they described their activities as a demonstration of crazy taken to the highest level, to poison the minds of beneficiaries and Niger Delta people with regards to the Amnesty Program, that had taken a good course since the new dawn against the contemplation of these people.

Their past antics according to the forum and the release of harassing the previous leadership of Amnesty Program, could not fly with the dispassionate and candid Dr Otuaro who would not yield to their old and renewed antics. they opined.

They described Dr Dennis Otuaro as a discernible front row leader during the days of restivenes in the Niger Delta, who will not fall cheap to their sophistries and blackmail of these desperate individuals.

While describing Kuku as a guest to the anti graft agency, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission EFCC, saying his tenure was sharply against the lay down procedures required of a public officer because of his penchant to corrupt activities.

They opined that his stolen funds and slush funds invested in airline was mismanaged as a result of glaring inexperienced saddled with corrupt tendencies of public funds.

Having lost all the ill gotten wealth and slush funds meant for the Niger Delta public , he was now critically bankrupt that he could not survive the current economic quagmire, hence the evil collaboration.

Not sure of the next moves to enrich himself and his followers , with his inglorious and abberation days over to feast on Amnesty Program fund.




“The appointment of Dennis Otuaro as Coordinator of the Presidential Amnesty Programme rocked the existential monolith of disquieting revisionism and accepted attitudes represented by Messrs Kingsley Kuku, Ebokabowei Victor-Ben (Boyloaf), and Bibopri Ajube (Shoot-at-Sight), who unfortunately do not understand the mandate and stewardship of the Presidential Amnesty Programme ”

” These individuals, imaged in quasi literal term as pale dots continue to suffer split in their personality, easily forgot that they were part of the league of night soil men who had mistaken the Amnesty program as opportunity to expand their vagrancy and criminal misappropriation of Amnesty Funds for their personal gains, and who in their frustration and resigned tone of fatalists and in the manner of mysterious breed of dogs, mews like cats as dogs, and as much like foxes as cats, are in an uninspiring mission, to throw spittle on the renewed Hope agenda that is at the core of the Administrative philosophy of Dr Dennis Otuaro, the Coordinator of the Presidential Amnesty Programme ”

“There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than the isolated chicanery and divisive cynicism of these men to seek to distract the noteworthy inroads the present Amnesty program leadership has made to the hearts and minds of the impacted community of former agitators. it underscores their poverty of character and irresponsibility to draw themselves into a scorch earth battle, with the present leadership of the Amnesty program for denying them the free funding they have become accustomed to. ”

“In the past, they had intimidated and harassed Amnesty administrators to get their way, but have met a dispassionate and candid Dr. Otuaro who would not yield to their non deterministic old antics. ”

“Dr. Dennis Otuaro himself was a discernible front row leader in the days of youths restiveness in the Niger Delta. He can’t fall to the cheap sophistries and blackmail of these desperate and trounced individuals. ”

“To be sure, Kingsley Kuku, a former fugitive, who escaped the shores of the country, just before the inauguration of the President Muhammadu Buhari administration for fear of being apprehended for looting Amnesty Funds, while he Administrator of the PAP, recently returned to Nigeria, wrecked, immobile and torn financially. His case file is still at the Economics and Financial crimes commission registry.”

“Mr. Kuku’s investment of looted Amnesty Programme’s funds, in airline business which failed miserably, as his then trusted ally, hijacked the investment, leaving him stranded, deeply indebted and vulnerable.”

“Today, he is not sure when the next meal would come. Feeling frustrated and beaten from his huge financial loss, Kingsley Kuku now surreptitiously resorts to want to undermine the present Amnesty leadership. He would only succeed to the point that his recent criminal misrepresentation of the PAP is dead on arrival.”

“There is no more free monies for him and his cohorts at the Amnesty Office. His inglorious days that were steeped in barefaced thievery are over.”

“It is to be noted that Kingsley Kuku, Boyloaf and Ajube (Shoot-at-Sight) have recently recruited one Jude Gbaboyor, an established illiterate, to discredit Dennis Otuaro and the Amnesty programme through media interviews.”

“Gbaboyor’s recent poor showing on ARISE Television Network on Friday, October 11th, where on prime time television he continues to exhibit sheer ignorance and absent mindedness. He had a script hidden between his thighs from where he was reading to misrepresent the PAP leadership.”

“It is laughable and disheartening that Gbaboyor, who was previously sacked from the Amnesty Office for official misconduct, looting of the KAIAMA TRAINING CENTER and leaking official information has become the willing tool for these individuals. He should hide his head in shame.
The refusal of Dr. Dennis Otuaro to reverse his dismissal, that apparently infuriated him. He is livid and angry that he could not return to the Amnesty Office to resume as conduit to his benefactors.”

“His main godfather, Boyloaf, is notorious, serial , unapologetic betrayal – having been dismissed and evicted from the Niger Delta struggle abinitio “CAMP 5”for his jekyll and Hyde demeanor and for his being a mole and informant. ”

“Boyloaf’s history of being a blackleg, turncoat and deceptions are well-documented, including his betrayal of his leader and benefactor MUJAHID ASARI DOKUBO, TOMPOOLO, FARRAH DAGOGO & finally HENRY Okah, who now languishes in a South African jail.”

“Boyloaf and his lackey, Gbaboyor, were never in the mainstream of the Niger Delta struggle. They are are not known. Shame on Ajube (Shoot at Sight), who never seems to grow up from his petty witchcraft, childishness and crooked ways of earning a living. He jumps from one racket to the other just to collect ransom from government institutions.”

“We urge Kingsley Kuku , Boyloaf and Mr Ajube to seek for alternative funding sources for their opulent lifestyle.”

“Dennis Otuaro’s message is clear: the Amnesty Fund is no longer available for exploitation by those who feel privileged and entitled.”

“The programme now serves only ex-agitators to bringing peace and stability to the Niger Delta region.”

“We implore Otuaro to resist blackmail and intimidation, and to ensure the programme doesn’t revert to its dark past under Kingsley Kuku’s leadership.”

“Kingsley Kuku should relinquish his feeble siege on Dennis Otuaro and allow the Amnesty Programme to flourish.”

” His term ended years back. It is time to move on. We hope he didn’t forget anything at the Amnesty office?”

” It is important that Dr.
Dennis Otuaro should not succumb to these subtle blackmails. He should rather fight back beecause he knows them to their homes, and he should not be scared of anyone from that group.”

“So far, so good, we are happy with Dr Otuaro’s leadership styles. He should keep taking the right steps, regardless of whose ox is gored.
We repose utmost confidence in his leadership .”