SA Youth & Student Matters To Kogi Gov, John Nihi appeals to Students to close ranks with Gov’t

SA Youth & Student Matters To Kogi Gov, John Nihi appeals to Students to close ranks with Gov’t

Students in Kogi State has been urged to work closely with the present adminstration towards ensuring safely return of the remaining adducted students.

Oladele John NIHI
SA Youth & Student Matters to the Governor in an appeal statement he personally wrote and shared to media House commended  Governor Ahmed Usman Ododo for his tireless effort and assured that government will not leave any stone unturned until all are returned.

The full statements below:

Appeal to CUSTECH Students: Let’s Work Together With Governor Ododo to Ensure the Safe Return of Your Colleagues

As the Special Adviser to the Governor on Youth and Student Matters, I understand the concern and anxiety of the students of Confluence University of Science and Technology (CUSTECH) regarding the abduction of their colleagues. The purported voice note circulating in the social media, claiming that the kidnappers are demanding a ransom of 200 Million Naira within 24 hours for the release of one Ms. Fatima, has understandably heightened tensions.

Kogi State Governor, Ahmed Usman Ododo
Kogi State Governor, Ahmed Usman Ododo

However, I appeal to the students not to take to the streets in protest. While I understand their desire to demand action, I assure them that the Governor, His Excellency Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo, and the security agencies in the state are working tirelessly to ensure the rescue of the remaining students.

Governor Ododo values the lives of all students and humans in general and will not rest until the students are rescued and reunited with their families. I want to assure the students and their families that everything possible is being done to secure their release.

While no amount of money is too much to pay for a life, we must be mindful of the long-term consequences of our actions. Payment of ransom to kidnappers will only embolden and enrich their pockets, unleashing more terror on our people. Let us work together to find a solution that prioritizes the safety and well-being of all.

I urge the students to remain calm and have faith in the efforts of the government and security agencies. We will continue to work together to ensure the safe return of our colleagues and the security of our state.

Thank you.

Oladele John NIHI
SA Youth & Student Matters to the Governor